Ever wonder why your online purchases sometimes, or for that matter, always arrive dilapidated or scratched? I am the type who would get exhilarated whenever a shipment is scheduled to arrive for the day. Are you the same? So, just imagine the disappointment if the item arrived "mangled" - looking like it went through war. Poof!
The photo below clearly illustrates why these things happen to our packages and more seriously, this is why we have to be paranoid and really disinfect packages entering your house.
Shopee Xpress Packages
Shopee Xpress Packages
Shopee, hope you can fix this and be more careful with our purchases. I want to believe that the reason my online purchases comes with a hefty charge is because I want my item protected and cared for.
So, the next time a package arrives and you get a buzzer from the delivery. Act wisely! These packages are filthy, dirty and can make you sick!
Have a Fierce day!
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